I love this painting by Norman Rockwell. Whenever I see it I wish I were at a table with my grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, cousins etc. My grandpa Smith died before I was born and my grandpa Sorum died when I was young. I do remember him--but I was always afraid of him. He didn't really care for kids much and my two memories of him are when he would stand out behind the back yard next to the brick wall and smoke, and then also when I would get up really early and sit at the table with him for breakfast-- just him and me-- and grandma would put a big bib on both of us and then serve us breakfast. Kind of a funny memory. I don't think we ever spoke to each other during breakfast. . . just ate and stared at each other. Any way, I have so many things to be thankful for. Here are a few:
Family is #1 of course! Kyle--working hard and making it on his own. Kevin--being such a good daddy and working hard to pay bills and provide. Faith--working so hard and being so patient as a wife and mommy. Jessica--such a good mommy and keeping such a fun record of her daily activites! Mark-- working so hard so that Jess can stay home with the girls.
Snow (we just got a little today).
The new heater that makes our home so toasty---- thanks sweety!
My girly friends who I can totally be myself with. (they are either being really nice or they are as crazy as me !?)
Hot showers.
Diet Rite. . . all flavors.
Sotto Pelle (it's wonderful to finally be hormonally
balanced) :).
Small handprints everywhere once again.
The hug of little arms around my neck.
Good books.
Really good movies.
A wonderful job.
A husband I can count on, talk to, play with, cry with,
laugh with, travel with, sit and do nothing with.
And most of all, my Heavenly Father who knows my needs and my wants, and who has showered me with tender mercies.
My cup is filled to overflowing and I can never ever return in kind what has been given to me.
I love pictures like that! they automatically make you feel all warm and cozy. I will tell you one thing that I am grateful for, and that is your daughter. She is such a good friend and I am always so grateful to still have her in my life and us still be just as good of friends or better as we were in High School. Thank you so much for raising such a wonderful gal. P.S. the picture of you and your husband in front of the palmyra temple is the same spot me my parents and my brother and sister took when we were there. Great minds think alike;) Hope all is well.
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