Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

I will blog again later when I get some pics of the day, but for now, I am at work and no one needs their blood drawn--darn! No, really, that is a good thing. I don't want to see anyone here today. How sad to be in the hospital on Christmas day! It was a FUN ride into work this morning. I followed a truck that was spinning all over the road. The rain started last night and turned to snow at about 3am. That makes for some icey roads! All the merrier I say! I love the snow. I love driving in it too. I'm a little crazy that way! I get to go home at 10:00am so I'll post more later when I can take pics of family. I hope Jessica can make it up. We aren't sure yet what the road conditions will be. Mom and Dad, Jordan, Carmella and Jacob are supposed to come up from Payson this morning around 10 or so. We'll see. It may just be us and Kyle and Kevin, Faith and Ellery. This storm is supposed to be big! Woo Hoo!!! I just wish it would be big AFTER everyone gets here! That would be my perfect Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I am soooooo sick today. It started with a very sore throat two days ago. I worked both days. Last night it went to a very runny nose and my throat felt like it was closing off and very scratchy. All day to day I have been using nose drops, taking antihistimines, drinking hot cider and tomatoe soup, and just laying around. I had to call in to work sick. I hate doing that. I know it is hard on whoever is called to fill in. I was sitting here in the computer room seeing if Jessica had posted any new pics on her blog, when the doorbell rang. I couldn't not answer it cause I knew they saw me through the window. It was the Elders! Auggghhhhh. I am just hoping to get better before Christmas. I have so much to do and really wanted to use today, before work at 4:30, to get some things done. Oh well, I learned many years ago that Christmas comes whether we are ready or not. I love this time of year. I love everything about it. . . . the lights, the carols, the snow, the smells, the bells, the treats, the clean movies on tv. I love having children around on Christmas day and watching the magic and wonder of all of the gifts and the food, and the games and the laughter. This year we have all of my family coming---even a cousin and his wife and little boy. It will be wonderful. Kyle is flying in on Christmas Eve and Jeff will go down to get him. Jessica will come either Christmas afternoon or the next day. My parents and brother and his family are coming too. What fun to have family together! There isn't anything that beats being with them for the holidays! I am so grateful that I was able to have children. I am so sorry for those who can't. What a lonely time of year for couples with no kids--- especially if they don't have family close by! I am so blessed!

I used a yucky green color to write this, because that is how I feel today. Yucky, and sort of "green"! Tomorrow HAS to be better! If it is, I'll write again in a pretty color and I'll post some pics of my favorite Christmas things. If it's not. . . . I won't write at all. I am going to take some serious cold medicine (Nyquil). 'til tomorrow. . . . ciao!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let It Snow

Oh the weather outside is frightful. . .

But the fire is so delightful!

And since we've no place to go. . .

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Live Each Day. . .
This picture was taken at Christmas 2002. My how time flies by! I thought about how quickly time goes by because of a lady I met at work today.
A woman came to the hospital to get her blood drawn. As I was "doing what I do", she shared with me that she had been diagnosed with Lymphoma 11 years ago and was given 6 months to live. She suffered through many treatments of Chemo and Radiation. She had many tumors growing throughout her body. Her children were young (18, 14 and 11). Six months went by and she was still here. A year, two years, 5 years. . . and she was still here. She decided to stop all treatments, stop waiting to die, and try to live a normal life for as long as she had left. 11 years later she is still here. She told me she has wanted to be here for her children. She doesn't want to miss out on their lives. She doesn't want them to grow up without her. They are 30, 25, and 22 now. Before she left, she took my hand in hers and said "Live each day"! I have heard her voice in my mind all day today. "Live each day".
I guess the only question is. . . what does "live" mean?
I believe that to "live", is to be honest. It is, to be compassionate to all around me. It is, to be Christlike. To live is to do all in my power to make a difference to someone that day. It is to smile when I see someone. It is making sure that the words that pass my lips are kind, lifting, thoughtful, and positive. It is being organized. It is being ready to go if need be. It is appreciating the beauty of not only each day, but each hour of each day. It is touching. It is loving. It is faith. To live each day, is to breath deep, walk tall, and eat well.
And of course, it means there must be laughter!!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008



I love this painting by Norman Rockwell. Whenever I see it I wish I were at a table with my grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, cousins etc. My grandpa Smith died before I was born and my grandpa Sorum died when I was young. I do remember him--but I was always afraid of him. He didn't really care for kids much and my two memories of him are when he would stand out behind the back yard next to the brick wall and smoke, and then also when I would get up really early and sit at the table with him for breakfast-- just him and me-- and grandma would put a big bib on both of us and then serve us breakfast. Kind of a funny memory. I don't think we ever spoke to each other during breakfast. . . just ate and stared at each other. Any way, I have so many things to be thankful for. Here are a few:
Family is #1 of course! Kyle--working hard and making it on his own. Kevin--being such a good daddy and working hard to pay bills and provide. Faith--working so hard and being so patient as a wife and mommy. Jessica--such a good mommy and keeping such a fun record of her daily activites! Mark-- working so hard so that Jess can stay home with the girls.
Snow (we just got a little today).
The new heater that makes our home so toasty---- thanks sweety!
My girly friends who I can totally be myself with. (they are either being really nice or they are as crazy as me !?)
Hot showers.
Diet Rite. . . all flavors.
Sotto Pelle (it's wonderful to finally be hormonally
balanced) :).
Small handprints everywhere once again.
The hug of little arms around my neck.
Good books.
Really good movies.
A wonderful job.
A husband I can count on, talk to, play with, cry with,
laugh with, travel with, sit and do nothing with.
And most of all, my Heavenly Father who knows my needs and my wants, and who has showered me with tender mercies.
My cup is filled to overflowing and I can never ever return in kind what has been given to me.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Horrible Silence\

Dear Addie and Callie,
Our house is so quiet since you left. We sit and listen and cannot hear a sound.

The bathtub toys are waiting for water and bubbles and little hands to splash and play.

The little stool in the bathroom has no little feet to lift.

The peoples are waiting to ride in the car, eat their yummy lunch, ride in the little red wagon and go to the peoples park to play.

Your beds are empty (except for bear)

And baby waits for someone to hold her in their little arms and sing pretty songs in her ear and take her on walks through the house in her stroller.

Our house is horribly silent. We can't wait to see you this weekend.
Love Always and Forever,
Mimi and Papa

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Catching Up

It has been one year since I set this blog up. The problem was. . . Jessica doesn't live here to show me how to do it. She is teaching me today, and we'll see how I do.

In the last year:
I went to school at Pima Medical and became a Phlebotomist (vampire).
I took a job at Summit Health Care--which i LOVE!!
Kevin married Faith (who we all love!)
We have a new grandbaby - - - Ellery Lynn Walker
Addie turned 3
Callie turned 1
Mark graduated from ASU--Woo Hoo!
Jessica is her wonderful, talented, crafty self!!!!! (her blogspot:
Jeff and I visited Seattle, Vancouver Island, Victoria, Palmyra, Kirtland, and Niagra Falls
I visited more of my "birth" family that I had not met yet.
Kyle moved to Huntington Beach, California and is working at a debt consolidation firm.
And. . . . .
Jeff sold the business and then had to take half of it back. So much for retiring :)
Here are some pics of our trip to NY:

Leaving the valley. . . I hate flying, but the view is amazing!
We landed in Buffalo and drove to the Canada side of Niagra Falls.
We decided to stay at a Bed and Breakfast -- never have before--It was o.k. but I don't think we will do it again. We are not huge breakfast eaters, and they fed us an enormous amount of food!
This is my Uncle Ron and my Aunt Vinnie. Ron is my birth mom's older brother. We had such a nice visit with them. Vinnie has more energy than the Energizer Bunny!!!!
Vinnie makes these Banana Peppers and cans them. She pulled a jar out to have with lunch, and Jeff could not get enough. It was embarassing :) He just loved them! She gave me the recipe and I came home and bought all the stuff I need to make them. I think I will stick a jar in Jeff's stocking for Christmas! ho ho
My Uncle Ronnie is such a sweet man! He has been through so much with his health, but he is in good spirits and is a delight.
Ron and Vinnie took us to a Pumpkin Farm. It was fun. There were lots of interesting things to see--animals, pumpkins galore, and some pretty interesting squash too. . . .
Yep. . . it's a Butternut!
This is the store that Uncle Ronnie used to work at. It is very nice. Kind of like an A.J.'s in Arizona--but bigger.
Niagra Falls. SOOOOO Cold!!!! The weather was bad (sleet and rain). If we got close enough to really see down, we would get soaked. The spirit was willing but the body just couldn't do it! We found a road that gave us a pretty good view out of the way of the mist. Kind of frightening to hear and see it.
We went to dinner with Ron and Vinnie, and my cousin Bill and his girlfriend. It was a great place with huge fish aquariums. It was a wonderful night. Bill is a musician and works at a historical production theatre in Buffalo.
This is Ron and Vinnies daughter (my other cousin) Mary Kay and her husband Paul. We visited them for a day. What a wonderful time we had! They are WONDERFUL! They are AMAZING! They are huge hunters. Mary Kay hunts with a bow. They have two boys; Ronnie and Paulie. They live on 40 wooded acres and Paul built their home. They were married on Halloween and they dress up every year and go to a party. I hated to leave. I felt like I had known Mary Kay all of my life. I do wish I lived closer to her--we would have a great time!
So easy to talk to. So easy to be with.
Mary Kay grows these fun flower pods in her yard. She calls them Jackolanterns! She gave me some cuttings to bring home---I hope they grow!
This was the B&B we stayed at near there home--- it is very old, and very awesome!
The Kirtland Temple. Just in awe to be where the church began!
Jeff inside the Newel K. Whitney store.
The fall view from the window of the upstairs room used for the "school of the prophets".
The kitchen that Emma used. This was here favorite China!
In Palmyra-- this was the upstairs bedroom of the prophet Joseph Smith, where he was visited three times by the angel moroni and shown where the ancient record was buried nearby.
Jeff and I were the only ones in the Sacred Grove. What a peaceful, beautiful experience.
At the Smith farm with the Palmyra Temple peaking through the fall trees.
What a wonderful trip! Family, Church History, Beautiful fall leaves.


Ellery Lynn Walker
4 months old
cute as a button
getting bigger every day!
the apple of her daddies eye
a sweet little blessing

This hat definitely has "daddy" written all over it!!!!
I am pretty sure Kevin wore this style of hat his jr. year???!!!
Well, it wasn't pink though :) and it didn't have a tassle on top!! :)

"We are a happy fam-i-ly"