Be as careful of the books you read, as of the company you keep,
for your habits and character will be as much
influenced by the former as the latter.
~ Paxton Hood~
There are few things in life that give me as much pleasure as being in the middle of a very good book! I LOVE good books! I could spend an entire day in a book store--and one time, I actually did!! It was wonderful! I always try to have a book with me when I go to work so that I have a place to escape to during my break. I love it. I can be reading a book and totally forget where I am. I even stop hearing things around me. It is like being in a tunnel that carries you away to another place and then suddenly drops you back off where you were when someone touches you, or says your name really loud (because they've been saying it four times). I like books that inspire me to be better, or tell a story about someone who was incredible. Not necessarily incredible to the world, but incredible in their own life, without even realizing it. Books become my friends. I have a hard time going to the library, because I don't want to give a good book back. I like to put in on a shelf at home, where even if I never read it again, just seeing the title brings back such wonderful memories of a good read, and reminds me of things I wanted to change about myself because of what I learned in those pages. My first memories of reading are of my daddy rocking me in the old rocking chair and reading stories to me before I went to bed in our Scottsdale home. What sweet memories! He has enjoyed reading to my children, and to their children too! A beautiful tradition being passed down to three generations. I try to always get my grandchildren a wonderful children's book for their birthday and Christmas. It has to have great illustrations too! Even when Jeff and I were very young parents with barely enough money to pay the bills, I would sacrifice whatever I had to to get the kids books to read. I rarely would buy new books, but I found great books at yard sales. We also went to the library every week! We filled our home with books and we loved reading! Now, my children all love to read. I cannot think of very many things that I would like them to enjoy more. **key word being "things". I cannot imagine a world without books. If I could have one wish concerning books, I would wish for a room completely lined with wall to wall, floor to ceiling bookshelves. With a cozy chair and a standing lamp in one corner and a round table in the middle for studying. I think if I had such a room, I may never ever leave it!!
Books I have recently read that I just love:
Common Sense by Glen Beck
A great book! I liked the straight forward factual information even though it is very disturbing. I liked
at the end of his portion of the book, he gives an idea of what the reader, as an individual can do.
When I finished reading, I felt empowered and driven to DO SOMETHING.
I will prepare for elections very differently in the future! I will know all I can about each individual I vote for. This country has lost too many of it's values to allow us the luxury of trusting politicians on any merit except for their record.
The Christmas List by Richard Paul Evans
This is a book that surprised me. I thought it was going to take one route and it took the opposite. I
liked the fact that it didn't show the man being forgiven by everyone he went back to make amends
to. In that sense it was very telling of how life really is. Sometimes it is too late! Sometimes we can't
undo the damage we have done to another person! I think that that is part of the eternal punishment
we face. . . . . the not being able to change something we did wrong.
This book made me ponder the things I have said and done that I shouldn't have.
Probably more to family than others.
Why is it that we sometimes treat the ones we love with the least kindness. Why do we save our "sweet" voice for strangers or aquantances when we talk on the phone? Why do we do service more willingly and without thought, for people we don't live with?
Maybe I should make a Christmas list and put my husband at the top!
Have a little faith by Mitch Albom
Still reading this one and it has captured my heart! I will go back a second time and highlight some of
the very insightful things said by the Rabbi. All of us have had people in our lives who we revered. They may have been a teacher, a rabbi, a preacher, a bishop, a priest, a family friend. . . . it could be anyone.
I believe there are people we cross paths with in our life, who are meant to remind us of who we
really are, and help us discover who we want to be. I have had those people in my life. They give me a glimpse of Christ in our modern world. They are a blessing. They are steady. They are rooted. And the most interesting thing is that they don't even know they have changed peoples lives!
Just the knowledge that a good book is awaiting one
at the end of a long day makes the day happier.
~ Kathleen Norris ~
I don't know if anyone out there is reading this, but if you are, will you share a few of your favorite reads?